Personal Development Tools
Affirmations are positive statements that people use to help them make changes in themself and achieve their goals. Simply state your goal as a fact, in the present tense, and use all positive words. The great key to success with affirmations is repetition. It’s like mental weightlifting, and the cumulative effect of thousands, then millions of affirmations, gradually transforms you into the amazing person you always knew you could be.
Use all positive words and phrases, such as I am healthy, happy, wealthy, successful, loving, beautiful, etc, and you are using positive energy, which can only produce positive results for you. You can use affirmations for any specific goal, personal growth improvement, or any positive thing in life that is important to you. Your subconscious mind accepts all input literally, and converts it into reality. The key to success is repetition. The key to success is repetition.
Use all positive words and phrases, such as I am healthy, happy, wealthy, successful, loving, beautiful, etc, and you are using positive energy, which can only produce positive results for you. You can use affirmations for any specific goal, personal growth improvement, or any positive thing in life that is important to you. Your subconscious mind accepts all input literally, and converts it into reality. The key to success is repetition. The key to success is repetition.
Whatever method or methods of meditation you use, I emphasize most strongly that you are only using the very tip of a huge, magical iceberg, which contains an infinite variety of marvellous methods. Whatever works for you is great, and whatever works for other people is equally great. We need to keep our minds open and realize that the word meditation has thousands or millions or more different meanings, and all of them produce lovely results for the people using them.
One popular method is to sit or lie down, close your eyes, centre your body, relax, and focus on your breathing. You are now meditating. Ignore any thoughts that come to your mind, and calmly return your attention to your breathing whenever you need to. If you like, also be conscious of the fact that you are breathing in and out the Universal Life Force. Meditation is that simple.
If you want to, you can add a mantra or affirmation, which you think with each inhalation and exhalation, such as peace or love or relax now. Use mantras or affirmations that you like, and that you find easy to meditate with. The easier it is the better. You can do these meditations for as long as you like, virtually anywhere and anytime, and you will find yourself blissing out in your own inner sanctuary. A short time meditating, even a few minutes, done as a daily discipline, positively impacts your whole day. And always remember that your way is the right way for you.
One popular method is to sit or lie down, close your eyes, centre your body, relax, and focus on your breathing. You are now meditating. Ignore any thoughts that come to your mind, and calmly return your attention to your breathing whenever you need to. If you like, also be conscious of the fact that you are breathing in and out the Universal Life Force. Meditation is that simple.
If you want to, you can add a mantra or affirmation, which you think with each inhalation and exhalation, such as peace or love or relax now. Use mantras or affirmations that you like, and that you find easy to meditate with. The easier it is the better. You can do these meditations for as long as you like, virtually anywhere and anytime, and you will find yourself blissing out in your own inner sanctuary. A short time meditating, even a few minutes, done as a daily discipline, positively impacts your whole day. And always remember that your way is the right way for you.
PAs / Positive Acknowledgments
“PA" is a term that I created many years ago, and it stands for "Positive Acknowledgment," which is another way of saying "compliment." Most people regret that they didn't bother to tell people the positive things they wanted to say to them – after the person has left or died, when it is too late! As that great song "The Living Years" by Mike and the Mechanics says so well, the time to give people PAs is now, while they are still around. Giving a PA is one of the best feel-good pills there is. You can also give PAs to yourself, and I strongly encourage you to do this every day.
I have sent more than 1,000 PA emails to people in the last decade. I get a lot of satisfaction from sending them, knowing how much these Positive Acknowledgments boost people's mood and self esteem, and it is gratifying when they reply and say thank you, as some appreciative people do. This is so simple and so much fun. It feels really good, and the recipient will also feel great. Just send an email to someone you care about and tell them how much you appreciate them. Start by writing “PA” or “PA for you” in the subject line, then write your PA in the body of the email. Go on, have a go. It feels really good, and the recipient will also feel great.
I have sent more than 1,000 PA emails to people in the last decade. I get a lot of satisfaction from sending them, knowing how much these Positive Acknowledgments boost people's mood and self esteem, and it is gratifying when they reply and say thank you, as some appreciative people do. This is so simple and so much fun. It feels really good, and the recipient will also feel great. Just send an email to someone you care about and tell them how much you appreciate them. Start by writing “PA” or “PA for you” in the subject line, then write your PA in the body of the email. Go on, have a go. It feels really good, and the recipient will also feel great.
Visualization is the act of holding in your mind a picture of the goal you’re aiming for, seeing and experiencing it in real-life detail with all of your senses, and knowing, believing and trusting that it belongs to you and is becoming a reality. It is common knowledge that virtually all Olympic champions use visualization as one of the key weapons in their mental arsenal, and scientific studies have clearly demonstrated that people in many fields have improved their performance by picturing themself achieving their goals. Olympic champions are just the same as you and me inside, and what works for them also works for us. Once again, the key to success is repetition.